Differences between Dongle and Software Network licenses

Differences between Dongle and Software Network licenses

Both Network license types are offer to users and both do have certain advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the main differences:

  1. Dongle License
    1. Easy to program and use. Once programmed, simply plugin to the server and point clients to the IP and you are good to go.
    2. When updates come out, you just need to update the license on the dongle.
    3. Issues and Limitations:

                                                               i.      Requires a USB port on the server – Not all servers have this especially if they are in a server rack with thin servers.

                                                             ii.      Users cannot check out licenses from the dongle to use remotely for a certain amount of time.

  1. Hardware License
    1. Once installed, it can manage network licenses effectively and allows the ability to check-out licenses from the server to a machine on the network that can be disconnected and used for a limited time.
    2. IT Admins have better visibility of the usage and management of licenses.
    3. Issues and Limitations:

                                                               i.      Little more time to get setup and usually requires interaction with an IT admin to gather information to generate a license and activate.

                                                             ii.      If server hardware changes constantly, then the license may need to be recreated more often where as a dongle this is not required.


Attached are documents for both with installation instructions so that you have an idea about the steps. The support team is capable of working with you to get either installed and used. 
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