DRAFT Print Issue

DRAFT Print Issue

If a customer reports an issue on print in DRAFT that the line lengths do not measure correctly, we will recommend them to use the Print Calibration tool. When they use the tool:

When inputting the values, use the largest print difference the printer will support (i.e. largest length the printer can handle in one direction). Basically we are trying to have a large value between L1 and L2 that is long in length to calibrate over a longer distance (small distances may not be accurate enough). Therefore users should use a value (WL1 or WH1) closest to the largest printout dimension for one direction.

In the other value for the direction, they should use a value that is ¼ to ½ of the value of the large length value. This will allow them enough space to measure the lines properly.

Once they input this value and run the new print:

If the measurement has changed and errors are not acceptable, but become smaller, then repeat again until the result is close to the desired value.

If the measurement does not change or errors become larger, then either they have reached the desired value or the printer has an issue that cannot be solved by our adjustment (meaning that the error is not a linear error in the values). If this happens, please report this to us and we can determine if there is another solution that we can develop to resolve the problem (note: it may be possible that we can’t if the printer is really bad but this should be bad for other programs as well).
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