Export Model to Parasolid (or other formats) Fail - Check Model Space Location

Export Model to Parasolid (or other formats) Fail - Check Model Space Location

If a customer experiences random Export to Parasolid or other format issues where some scenes it works and other it fails, please check the model location in the scene. Parasolid has a model space limitation of 500 m in any direction from the origin. If your model, is located outside that space, the export will fail. Right-click on the Part/Assembly and go to Properties and Position. If the X,Y,Z value is beyond the 500m, then this is the issue on export (example below).

Try address this in the simple cases: Select all parts/assemblies in the scene (Ctrl-A), Turn on the TriBall and Right-click on the Centerpoint of the TriBall, Select Edit Position, and move them to 0,0,0. Then perform the export. In some more advance cases, you will need to reset the anchor and position both on the selected part/assembly. 

Note: IronCAD can't simply move objects to 0,0,0 on export as it has to retain the position (For example: Part need to retain their location so that when you export/import they are in the correct location. 

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