Running WinDebugger for Logging Random Crashes for R&D

Running WinDebugger for Logging Random Crashes for R&D

If you or a customer are experiencing random crashes, please install WinDebugger on the machine and log IronCAD during the normal usage and send the reports to support (or ticket) when an issue is captured along with any other related information like files or videos. This will help R&D locate the random crashes in the system that are not always repeatable.

Please download and install the Microsoft Debugger: 

(install just the Debugging Tools for Windows from the SDK installer) 
  1. Start the WinDebugger (Start, Programs, Windows Kits, Debugging Tools for Windows (X64), WinDbg (x64)
  2. In WinDbg,  go to File, "Open Executable"
  3. Browse to ironcad.exe (typically in C:\Program Files\IronCAD\IRONCAD\20xx\bin)
  4. Click No to the question "Save information for workspace"? (if it comes up)
  5. Click View, Call Stack
  6. Press F5 to go (you may have to press F5 several times to get IronCAD starting, the bottom of the WinDebugger Command window should say "Debuggee is running" when it is actually going)
  7. Let IronCAD attempt to run as usual.
Then when the crash occurs save and send the window text in WinDbg:
  1. Select the Command window
  2. Go to the Edit menu, "Write Windows Text to File..."
  3. Select the Calls window.
  4. Go to the Edit menu, "Write Windows Text to File..." (Take screenshot if Call Stack won't save)
Then send those text files.  These files can help us determine why IronCAD is failing.

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