Common Issues
If encountering issues saving to a network drive (or connected Google Drive for example), Enable Backups of Files
When using drives like Google Drive, there is a sync process they run. If that sync is happening when saving, then you can run into issues potentially. (Not only with IC but with others as well). We have a registry setting that can save a backup when ...
Settings that affect the size of drawing template files
This setting affects the preview image stored in the ICD. This setting affects the embedded PDF that is stored in the ICD.
DRAFT Print Issue
If a customer reports an issue on print in DRAFT that the line lengths do not measure correctly, we will recommend them to use the Print Calibration tool. When they use the tool: When inputting the values, use the largest print difference the printer ...
Overall Max Dimensions Provide the Wrong Value
If a user notices that the Max Overall Dimensions are not correct when creating a part inside of ICD, there are steps that you can use to remedy the problem. First off, These calculations are based on overall projected geometry's bounding box, ...
Add Closed Corner on Sheet Metal Not Working on Both Sides of a Bend
There is a known issue in sheet metal with the Add Closed Corner tool where the Closed corner will not work on both sides of a bend in certain cases. Typically you will find that you either cannot select the other side of the bend, get a message that ...
How do I keep the Direct Face Modeling handles from disappearing before I select them?
This happens in some cases when the cursor must move to another face in order to select the highlighted handle. Once the handle you want is highlighted, hold the Control key to keep the handle from disappearing before selected.
An Imported model is scaled incorrectly
When transferring 3D models between CAD systems, sometimes the scale of the model may be translated incorrectly. This is caused by the neutral file not supporting units or supporting them in a different way then IronCAD does. Use the IronCAD Part ...
An IGES file is loaded and some geometry is not present.
This happens typically when the IGES file contains entity types not supported by IronCAD’s IGES translator. This can also be caused by the IGES file’s accuracy being less than .01 mm. In this case, the IGES file will need to be created with a higher ...
Solving a blurry UI in IronCAD on Windows 10
Some users have reported a blurry UI in IronCAD on Windows 10. We have determined it's due to a Windows DPI scaling setting. You can remedy this problem by right-clicking the IronCAD start icon, go to Properties, Compatibility, select "Override high ...
What to do if Copy/Paste from CAXA Draft to a Scene Sketch fails
If the Copy/Paste of 2D geometry fails to transfer from CAXA Draft to an IronCAD Scene Sketch, uninstall IronCAD and the CAXA Components, "CAXA CAD INFO" and "CAXA Common Components", then reinstall IronCAD completely. This will insure you have the ...
Sizebox confusion in a BOM if the shape is rotated
Some users like to add the Sizebox values to the BOM. This can be very helpful for showing overall part size. It is important to note however that this value in the BOM is the Part Sizebox, not the IntelliShape Sizebox. A common question comes up ...
CAXA Draft font missing warning
When you load a DWG or DXF or even sometimes another user's EXB file into CAXA Draft you may get a warning that one or more fonts are missing. This is common for AutoCAD files that use .shx font files. AutoCAD and others do use some fonts that are ...
How to improve performance when importing a large DWG or DXF in a Sketch
Sometimes when importing a large DWG or DXF to a 2D Sketch, the amount of geometry can cause the graphics performance to decrease. This is partly due to the large number of profile condition locators and constraint symbols on the geometry. To improve ...
Missing fonts that lead to PMI GD&T errors
If you are in a Scene creating a PMI GD&T and get an error such as "Sorry, exception was catched for missing GDT file..." then it means you are missing some CAXA GD&T fonts from your C:\Windows\Fonts folder. Go to C:\Program ...
What to do when part textures do not transfer to KeyShot
So you have added textures to the part level of your part in IronCAD and transferred it to KeyShot for rendering but instead of the part textures showing in KeyShot the part comes in red. The most common cause of this is the part's texture Image ...
JPEG files are being created every time you save a Scene, how to disable that?
If you have recently upgraded to the latest version of IronCAD Mechanical, you might have noticed JPEG (.jpg) files being saved whenever you save your IronCAD .ics Scene file. To disable this, close IronCAD, go to Start, Programs, IronCAD Mechanical, ...
Double Quote in a part or file name causing save to fail
If you have a single part in the Scene that has a double quote in the part name and you hit Save, the default file name will match the part name. Since Windows doesn't allow quotes in file names it will fail to save. The same thing will happen if you ...
Parameter Expression string for connecting to Excel
It is possible to connect your Parameter to a cell in an Excel spreadsheet by entering this string in the Expression field of the Parameter: (excel ("C:\Temp\Values.xlsx", "Sheet1", "A1") * 0.0254) The 0.0254 multiplier at the end is for converting ...
Bad facets on a part
If you have a part that has bad facets, something like this: To fix: Right-click the part, go to Part Properties, Rendering and turn on Triangulated mesh.
Green highlights that won't go away, how to remove them
Once and a while you might find some green highlights left on the screen from selections previously made and they will not go away. To remove them, go to the Tools ribbon bar and click Recreate Display, that should refresh the graphics and remove the ...
DWG versions we can import
For version 2019, IronCAD, IronCAD Draft and CAXA Draft can import DWG version 2018 files (AutoCAD 2018, AutoCAD 2019, AutoCAD 2020). For version 2018, IronCAD, IronCAD Draft and CAXA Draft can import up to AutoCAD 2017 saved DWG files. (that is 2013 ...
Why are GrabCAD and Sketchfab greyed out?
You have to save the Scene file before the GrabCAD and Sketchfab upload commands become available.
Can’t convert to sheet metal part due to spline faces
If you have imported a part and are trying to convert it to a sheet metal part and it is failing, one possibility is the bend faces are spline surfaces. You can test this by trying to apply a Radial SmartDimension to the face, if it fails you know ...
PIN-SLOT Constraint limitation notes
The new Pin/Slot Constraint does have a limitation that is often asked about. The current constraint supports closed regions. It currently does not support open ended slots as shown below. Supported slots: Unsupported Slots: