Frequently Asked Questions
How to turn off automatic Sheet Metal punch/form constraints
Some users may find the automatic sheet metal punch/form constraints bothersome. To turn them off, go to Options, Sheet Metal, and toggle off "Create punch and forming constraints".
ShrinkWrap visibility slider, what does it do?
The slider controls the number of camera angles that it uses to look for parts. So if you have a lower number on the slider, you have less camera angle positions and are more likely to have part considered invisible. The higher the slider, the more ...
How to copy Styles and Layers from one ICD to another
If you want to copy the Styles and Layers from one ICD file to another, open the destination ICD then go to File (under the Main Menu), and select Import Styles and Layers, browse to the source ICD and hit OK.
What does Large Assembly mode do?
Large Assembly mode is basically a “View-Only” lighter mode. It doesn’t change the entities, it just limits the load of the file structure to limit the editing/access to the feature/part data.
How to define a Custom Spin axis
You can use the Centerline command to draw a spin axis next to your profile:
Allow Sharp Corner on a Sweep
If you have a Sweep who's path contains sharp corners and it doesn't give you the sharp turn-around on the path you want, right-click the Sweep at the IntelliShape level and select "Allow Sweep Sharp Corner" to allow the sharp corners on the sweep.
How is the order of the BOM and Item Bubbles determined?
By default, the BOM and Item Bubble ordering is determined by the order that the parts and assemblies appear in the 3D Scene Browser. Using the sort options in the BOM, you can change the BOM order based on sort rules (you can also determine if the ...
How to add a color to a Catalog?
Use the Fill EyeDropper tool from the Visualization tab to “grab” a color off a part and drop it into a Catalog. Note: Right-click when dropping into the catalog for additional options like Smart Paint Color only or Smart Paint Color and Materials ...
Mechanism Mode Dragging Behavior options explained
Standard The solver will attempt to find a solution that localizes the changes around the nodes being dragged. The movement of the dragged nodes will not be “propagated” to nearby nodes. Adjacent sets and geometries within a model may be moved ...
How to reorder items in a Catalog?
Select the catalog item, hold the Shift key down and drag and drop the catalog item on to another item to reorder in the Catalog. This will place the dragged item in front of the catalog item dropped on.
Setting up single key keyboard shortcuts in CAXA Draft
A little trick if you want to setup single key keyboard shortcuts in CAXA Draft such as L for line or C for circle. Right-click a blank area next to the ribbon bar and go to Custom. Then select the "Keyboard instruction" tab (not Keyboard, that is ...
How to setup a transparent background in a exported rendered image file
Go to File->Export Image. Select Tif or PNG from the file type list and give your file a name. In the resulting dialog after you hit save, input the correct image size (refer to the size of your scene in the status bar to keep a good aspect ratio), ...